Gomes de Araújo Manuel Salvador - coach ejecutivo en

Manuel Salvador Gomes de Araújo es Coach Ejecutivo Certificado Nivel Inicial (CECNI-316)

Manuel Salvador Araújo holds a Grade, a Master and a PhD in Psychology (Universidade do Minho) and a Executive Master in Organizational Leadership and Coaching (EADA, Business School, Barcelona).

  • He has Director of Human Resources Course at Polytechnic of Porto.
  • He his Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Psychology, Social Psychology, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Behavior, Occupational Health and Quality of Work Life, Leadership and Human Management, Leadership and Team Development, …) and his member of Applied Management Research Unite, (UNIAG, Portugal) and in the Scientific center PETRO – Personas que Trabajan en Organizaciones (UAB, Barcelona)
  • He is an expert on Bullying at Work, Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Occupational Health Psychology.
    His research and practice deals, mainly, with Positive Organization, Quality of Working Life and Human Resources Management.
  • He holds experience in higher education management bodies, experience with psychotherapist, trainer and consultant.
    Currently Research in Humility Leadership, Gender Neutral Tests and Neuroleadership.
  • He his member of Porto Executive Academy (Polytechnic Of Porto)

PURPOSE – Promote the development of individuals, teams, organizations and Society.

ebook coaching

Escrito por Josepe Garcia
Creador del programa Vivir del Coaching

La guía para empezar tu negocio de coaching

¿Ya llevas un tiempo con tu negocio de coaching (coaching ejecutivo, coaching organizacional, coaching de equipos, coaching empresarial,…) pero sin obtener grandes resultados?

Descubre los 10 ERRORES más frecuentes cuando montas tu negocio de coaching y CÓMO EVITARLOS.

AECOP acredita que todos nuestros coaches certificados han seguido un sistema de avales para que conseguir cumplir unos requisitos y estándares de calidad establecidos por la asociación.

Recuerda que puedes buscar coaches o certificarte como como coach ejecutivo al igual que Manuel Salvador Gomes de Araújo solicitando una certificación de coach.